Depression Treatment & Counseling

Depression Treatment & Counseling

Major depressive disorder, or depression, is characterized by a prolonged state of sadness or an inability to experience pleasure. This debilitating condition disrupts an individual’s ability to engage in normal and daily routines and negatively impacts their social, work, and family life as a result.

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Anxiety Treatment & Counseling

Anxiety Treatment & Counseling

Generalized anxiety disorder is characterized by constant distress, inhibiting the performance of normal routines and the enjoyment of life. Different types of anxiety disorders include panic disorder and specific phobias, but the specialists at Restorative Brain Center can help you find the right treatment plan to overcome any of them.

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OCD Treatment & Counseling

OCD Treatment & Counseling

Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is a type of anxiety disorder that causes unwanted and recurring thoughts, which lead to uncontrollable urges to perform particular, repetitive actions. Restorative Brain Center uses an approach to OCD therapy that can help you manage and overcome your symptoms.

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PTSD Treatment & Counseling

PTSD Treatment & Counseling

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a condition that individuals may develop after experiencing a serious trauma or life-threatening event. When triggered, an individual may relive memories of the event, which elicit a severe physical and emotional response. Here at Restorative Brain Center, we offer an evidence-based approach to PTSD treatment.

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Addiction Treatment & Counseling

Addiction Treatment & Counseling

Addiction is a dependence on a behavior or substances, such as alcohol or opioids, that cannot be controlled and may be extremely difficult to quit, even though an individual may desperately want to. At Restorative Brain Center, our counseling services and treatment options are aimed at helping patients overcome addiction.

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CTE Treatment & Counseling

CTE Treatment

Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) is a brain disease that is thought to develop from repeated head trauma, such as concussions, leading to degenerative brain tissue. Restorative Brain Center offers variations of TMS such as rTMS and dTMS to tailor treatment to each patient’s specific situation.

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Dementia Alzheimer’s, Lewy Body, FrontoTemporal, Corticobasal

Dementia is a term used to describe a group of symptoms affecting memory, thinking and social abilities severely enough to interfere with daily life. It is caused by abnormal brain changes that trigger a decline in thinking skills, also known as cognitive abilities. These changes can also affect behavior, feelings and relationships.

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Finally, the Personalized Approach People Need

No two people are the same even if they’re experiencing similar symptoms, which is why our approach is revolutionary. Our individualized protocols utilize brainwave analysis to assess how different areas of the brain are functioning and reveal areas that aren’t communicating the way they should. We then use this data to develop a personalized and targeted approach aimed at bringing about healthy brain communication.

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If you, a friend, or family member would like to learn more, let’s discuss how our approach may help.
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